Directions (1-5): Some statements are given followed by some conclusions. You have to consider the statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the following conclusions if any, follow from the given statements:
a)Some C are T.
b)No T is S.
c)Some S is E.
a)Some E are T.
b)All E being T is possibility.
c)All E is S.Only a and c followsOnly c followsEither a or b followsAll followsNone of theseOption E
a)All R is B.
b)No R is Y.
c)Some Y is K.
a)Some B are not Y.
b)All K being R is a possibility.
c)All K being B is a possibility.Only a followsOnly b followsOnly c followsEither a or b followsOnly a and c followsOption E
a)No Dhawan is a Saurav.
b)All Raina are Dhawan.
c)Some Dhawans are Jaddu.
a)Some Jaddu are not Saurav is a possibility.
b)All Jaddu being Raina is a possibility.
c)All Raina being Jaddu is a possibility.Only b followsOnly a followsOnly a and b followsOnly b and c followsNone of theseOption D
a)Some P are S.
b)No S is G.
c)Some G is Y.
a) All Y are G.
b) All P being G is possibility.
c) All G being P is a possibility.Only a followsOnly b followsNone followsOnly b and c followsOnly c followsOption E
a)All M is F.
b)Some M is not F.
c)Some F is T.
a)Some T being F is a possibility.
b)All F being M is a possibility.
c)Some T are F is a possibility.Only a followsOnly b followsOnly b and c followsNone followsAll followsOption C
- Which of the following is the code for ‘king’?
nbnutxtsNone of theseOption D
- Which of the following word is coded as ‘nb’?
SalmonWarriorParrotCannot be determinedAkashOption E
- What may be the code of ‘heema healthy ornament’?
dc nu asnu nb tsnb tx dcNone of thesedc qw qzOption E
- Which of the following code is coded for ‘Parrot’?
dcnueinbCannot be determinedOption C
- What will be the code of ‘salmon’?
pysaxyEither a or cNone of theseOption D
Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
In a certain code language,
‘locket parrot shiva warrior’ is coded as ‘tx ei nu sa’
‘akash king parrot shiva’ is coded as ‘nu nb ts ei’
‘akash heema shiva warrior’ is coded as ‘dc sa nu nb’
‘locket warrior nusrat salmon’ is coded as ‘tx sa py xy’